
Showing posts from 2006

All done owning General Motors cars.

Cool open source app for Tasks/Time tracking

WebDT 375 Tips and Tricks

IT support companies...

Happy Turkey Day!!

Fight between free pvr's and HTPC's

Fedora Core 6 - testing the waters once more....

PROJECT:Building a remote recorder.

A series of obscure events.

Gearing up for a new diet again.

Abandoning Windows.

Loss of a pet.


Super simple Pasta meal

How I am voting this november.

Fun and Pain with Free to Air Satellite TV

The state of swap-meets and Hamfests

Poor Mans' Eprom eraser

Headlight restoration update

Geo Metro Improved oil filtration and notes

Tao of web surfing

Where did the time go?

Spyware, Viruses and Scumbags

My new project (as if I needed one)

Crazy Ideas and how to do them

Tired of the hybrid-elite

In the shadow of summers end.

Violating the Warranty big time.

HAcking stock GM radios

Emergency Room fun!

Going from "responsible" to kid again

pleasure with injury or, how to make life miserable for a few days

Tv on your terms not theirs.

Craven in my Sanctorium

XP tablet edition on the Stylistic 3500

Continue the search for perfect Internet TV

A great way to explain DRM

Verizon DSL tweaks

Steps foreward in internet TV

Internet Huffing

No more Comcast Cable

Grand Caravan controls reset

Make your plastic Headlights look new again

Linksys WIP300 second review

HooYah! Venture Brothers Green lighted!

Linksys WIP300 review

First day on the new job and a review

End of an era and the looming of troubled waters.

Fun with wireless.

All the little things.

The Wierdness of timing in life

Joys of Home Security.

Video at Home and fun with technology.

A new networking tool from the past.

PSP and DS killer hiding in the shadows

GEO Update: tires

Violate Federal laws in your Living room!

blogging about blogs

Cingular does not care about retaining customers.

Nokia 3300 AT&T wireless settings

Nintendo DS review

Fix your treo 600

the bane of the new year