Nokia 3300 AT&T wireless settings

I just replaced my aging treo with a Nokia 3300. Yes I know it's not the same thing but a new battery for the Treo costs more than this entire phone. and honestly the Treo's have enough bugs that simply make me not like it anymore. your phone should never lock up just because the battery is old and needs replacement.

anyways, I bought a unbranded unlocked GSM-USA model and really love it. In spite of what the kiddies say in the forums it works pretty darn well and has some nifty features.

But, it needsto be manually set-up for net access and other data services. So here are the settings I used to get the phone working...


connection name: mMode GPRS
data bearer: gprs
access point name : proxy
password: [blank]
username: [blank]
Authentication: Secure
homepage: http://home (I use
Session Mode: permanent
IP address:

after that you need to back out and then try to connect.

After connection it should set up yout text messaging settings for you. At least it did for me.
