All the little things.

WE moved out of my house and into a new home. Ok it's actually my mother house she was selling. It is twice the size my old home and because of the steep family discount and the ability to do a land contract so I can pay it off in 7 years instead of 30 (1% interest rocks compared even to 5%!) I am now getting the feeling that I made the best decision. I did something that I have not been able to do for over 8 months and it felt weird... I sat down and had dinner with my family Monday night. I called in sick so I was home at a realistic time cooked dinner and ate it with my family. Ok the 14 year old had a phone stuck in hear ear but it was really weird not eating out of a paper bag at 80mph on I-96. Being able to drive with my daughter to get a gallon of milk instead of seeing her asleep during the week is something that is really cool.

I am now certain that leaving Comcast is the best decision I have ever made. Ignoring the silly short sightedness that causes me grief there, Just being able to be "normal" with my family is worth giving up a $65,000.00 a year job. Now I cant wait for the next 3 weeks to go by so I can be out of there forever.

I would give them more than 2 weeks notice, but they like to cut off their nose to spite the face and I need another week to get cable installed so I don't have to pay installation and get my glasses submitted to insurance as well as my daughters braces finished up...

I cant wait for my freedom to become a real father and person again....
