
Showing posts from 2009

Batch 4 of the Hard Cider/ Apfelwein

Cool tent....

Period Camping, fall faires, and unemployment.

A lesson about being nice and open...

My first Mead.....

Economy still stinks....

Batch 3 is in the bottles


Updates on my cider/apfelwein....

new toy: Sheevaplug...

RANT: Vista64 incompatable with everything.

Bikes back together.... YAY!

Apfelwine batch 2 update

Spring Motorcycle work

REVIEW: Dell Studio 17" laptop

Detect and respond to a Thumbdrive getting inserted on Ubuntu.

Apple-Raspberry Apfelwein(cider) batch #3

Threats of Spring and Thoughts of Riding.

All the Fruits of spontaneous creativity.

The Economy caught up with me.

A personal Musical discovery, The Strumstick.

Success in HD DVD ripping.

Poor mans Automation Phase 3

HDDVD/ BluRay now rippable at home.

GRUMBLE: More video podcasts should be in HD.

Eradicate Windows from the living room : XBMC Live