Real advice for fitness as you age. A rant of a old fat guy that is sick of the scam that is the fitness industry.

 So I have been looking at things to get fit,  what do I buy,  what books should I read, etc...  and I realized.   100% of that stuff is all bullshit.   What do you need to do to get fit?   exercise and eat better,  duh.    no $1500 bike will get you fit.   no $4500 home gym will get you fit,   no number of books on the subject will get you fit.

What will?

Getting off your ass and doing it will.  And as you get older it's more important.   in fact that is what just pissed me off is that in high school gym class why dont they tell you "you will get fat and lazy as you age, get off your ass and move EVERY DAY,  pick things up  spend 15 minutes daily doing things and stop eating crap."

That's it.  I just summed up what  10,000 fitness books will tell you and saved you thousands.   Get off your ass.  Go walk what you can twice a day.  one in the morning one at night. add a third for lunch if you can find the time at work.   Cant make a 1/2 mile?  fine do what you can and reassess if you can go farther every weekend.   saturday morning is when you try and walk further.    get up to a mile,  get up to 2 miles.  when you start hitting a time limit, "Crap Tim I gotta get ready for work I cant walk 5 miles in the morning!"   then you start jogging/running/speed walking.   up the effort for the shorter distances and time limit.  what is important is you get off your ass daily no matter how you feel.   Ignre the BS of "well you should do it every other day..... bla bla... You and I are not weight training  to your physical limits and needing a day for the rips in your muscles to heal...  That is who that is for.   You are a lazy blob like I am, walk twice daily and do more when you can.

Also do situps.  stupid old situps on a cheap bench. as an old fart getting on the floor sucks,   a bench works great.   also get a cheap set of  weights and lift a little daily.   Being the lazy blob you only do 12oz beer curls,  get about 40-50 pounds and start lifting.  work up to that  if you cant start there.  you need to lift things daily  but not stupid levels of weight.   no you dont need to be deadlifting 200 pounds.   50 pounds 20 reps get it done every morning   I boought cheap crap weights.  you can do it with milk jugs full of sand.  just do it.

that is it.  30 minutes every morning walking and doing a tiny bit of exercise and 15 minutes at night walking.   no you dont have to run marathons,  you dont have to have a 6 pack you will actually never get.  you dont have to kill yourself.  no yoga unless you want to.

the secret is simple.  get off your ass, stop eating doughtnuts and other junk, and put in a little effort. 

Yes only a little effort is enough to improve your health a LOT.
