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Migrating a config from a Mikrotik 4011 to the newer 5009

    A LOT of the articles online and the Mikrotik forums are filled with easily panicked people. they will tell you what I am about to tell you to do "is impossible" or "highly dangerous".  They are all extremely wrong. The 4011 and the 5009 are basically the same thing but with upgraded processing and communication on the 5009.   It has 2 less ports and does not have 2 serial interfaces. Step 0 upgrade both routers to the exact same firmware version of routerOS Step 1.  Export the config from your 4011.  I use winbox on a mac fire up a console and  /export show-sensitive file=4011 Step 2 copy that file to your laptop/GamingPC/Mainframe/Space Shuttle Computer/whatever and open in a text editor on that file delete anything in the interface setup (top of file) that talks about ether 9 and ether 10 delete both of the serial interfaces Using winbox. blow out the config on the new 5009. tell it you want no default config. reconnect and set your passwor...

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